Thursday, October 24, 2013



Grape Culture - woody climbing plant of up to 30-40 m Perennial shoots reach a considerable size, annuals - up to 3-5 m in length. Grape leaves are simple serrated, 3 -5- lobed. The flowers are small, greenish, dioecious, and fragrant. Juicy fruit with green, amber, purple, dark blue or dark red berries, gathered in clusters.

Flowering vines in May - June, ripens in August - September, and some varieties even in October, in the culture of grapes cultivated as an ornamental and fruit plants.

In grape berries contain a lot of water - from 55 to 87 %, sugar 16 to 26 %, mainly glucose and fructose, glycosides, cellulose, pectin, aroma and tannin. Berries contain acid: malic, citric, tartaric, phosphoric, succinic, silicon, formic, oxalic, etc., salts of potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorous, cobalt and enzymes.

In the skin of berries are tannins, pectin, pigments, anthocyanins, and essential oils. In the fruit of grapes rich in vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, B12, PP, P, folic acid, provitamin A and vitamin C.

According to the content of nutrients, except fat, grapes closest milk, grape seeds contain oil and fat tannins and leafs - flavonoids, choline, tannins and organic acids.

Used the fruits of grapes for eating fresh and for processing .

The dried, grapes, raisins - it keeps its flavor and nutritional properties.

Grape juice - a valuable dietary product. Upon receipt of juice by-product - bagasse - is used to feed livestock. From grapes cooked compotes, preserves, jams, syrups, vinegar cooked and marinated grapes prepare seasoning or garnish for grilled meats and game, used in the preparation of cabbage “mayonnaise”.

Evaporation of concentrated fruit juice and cook nutritious sweet “sausage” stuffed with nuts - Caucasian cherchuhela delicacy.

From grapes make great wine, in which almost all of the vitamins are stored. These wines have a tonic and diuretic properties. They are beneficial to health when consumed in moderation.
Prepare and non-alcoholic wine, preserving the valuable properties of the product.
Wine grape used to make a variety of drinks, sauces and desserts.

Therapeutic use of grapes

* In ancient times, doctors were advised to eat grapes in between meals, but not earlier than 2-3 hours after a meal.

* Grape juice prevents the development of anemia, rickets, contributes to the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis, scurvy, heart disease.

Grapes used in the depletion of the body, the primary forms of tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis, hemorrhoids, gastro -intestinal diseases, diseases of the kidneys, liver, and gout.

* Grapes useful in anemia. It contains three vitamins that contribute to blood formation: folic acid (increases blood formation), vitamin K (affects blood clotting) and vitamin E (strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure). In coumarin contained in grape pulp oksikumarina are present, they help the blood to clot. The complex of trace elements contained in the grapes also promotes blood formation.

* Of the dried leaves of the grape powder and cook take it 2-4 g with internal, mainly uterine, bleeding.

* Moderate consumption of red or white wine (50-60 g daily) increases in the body of “good” cholesterol (HDL), which, in turn, dramatically reduces the amount of “bad” cholesterol (LDL), which occludes the arteries and leads to heart attacks.

* Grapes are recommended as a tonic and restorative remedy for various asthenic conditions, with loss of strength.

* The fruits of grapes are useful in nervous disorders and insomnia.

* Diseases of the cardiovascular system (the initial stage of hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc.) recommend fresh grapes and grape juice. Good influence on the circulation of red and black grapes.

* Glucose contained in grapes, has a positive effect on muscle tone and contractile activity of the heart.

* Raisins contains a lot of potassium, beneficial for the heart and blood vessels.

* For colds and respiratory diseases prepare a decoction of raisins and used as an expectorant and antitussive: 100 g raisins cook 10 minutes in 1 cup of water, then squeeze and take 70-100 g 3-4 times a day. It also helps decoction of raisins with a bit of onion juice.

Grapes are very useful in acute airway inflammation, bronchial asthma and pleurisy.

* Use a grape as a useful tool for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in the initial form. Effective action is rendered aromatic muscat varieties Isabella, Muscat Hamburg, etc.

* In diseases with fever grapes are sometimes used as a diaphoretic.

* If you violate the fat and mineral metabolism grapes has a bracing effect.

* Action grapes like the action of alkaline waters. But they are very much sodium and chloride ions, and the advantage of grapes is that it contains salts of iron, potassium, silicon and phosphoric acids. Therefore, patients with uric acid diathesis is strongly recommended that treatment with grapes, it displays the body of uric acid and prevents the formation of stones.

* Extracts of grape leaves contribute to the excretion of oxalic acid.

* In gout and diseases of the liver are used berries and grape juice.

* In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by decreased secretion of gastric juice, as well as constipation and hemorrhoids are recommended dietary juice and grapes.

* If poisoning morphine, cocaine, arsenic, strychnine, sodium nitrate consumed grapes. The high content of glucose it has antitoxic properties.

* In cases of bladder and kidney stones as a diuretic recommend raisins and grapes - for kidney disease (chronic nephritis, etc.), because grapes have diuretic properties.

Grapes, especially Muscat varieties, capable of killing bacteria, due to its properties and fitontsidnym aromatics grapes inhibits the growth of putrid intestinal flora, kills E. coli and Vibrio cholerae. The best from this point of view is sort Tayfi pink, it most protective compounds.

* Grape leaves have an antibacterial effect and promote healing of purulent wounds and ulcers:
- Extract from the leaves advice gargle for sore throat, wash wounds and ulcers;
- To wounds and boils apply fresh crushed leaves.

* Grape juice, red wine and tea from raisins have a strong resistance to viruses - poliovirus, herpes simplex virus (HSV -1 and HSV -2) and reovirus.

* As the wine and grape juice drink is not everything, then a more universal means of strengthening the immune system is Izyumova Tea: to 750 grams of water, 250 g of raisins, 1 teaspoon of molasses, stir, cover with a lid and pushing for 1 hour, filtered, and stored teas in a refrigerator.
Take 200-250 grams daily.

• Before you start treatment with grapes, you should consult with your doctor.
• Treatment of grapes and drinking it in large quantities is contraindicated for patients with diabetes and obesity. Grapes have high calorie content due to the high content of sugars in it, mainly glucose.
• Do not eat grapes:
- In acute gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, in remission may have tender, juicy variety, in which very little fiber: Chasselas, Riesling, etc.
- Colitis, accompanied by diarrhea;
- By strengthening the processes of fermentation in the gut;
- Chronic pharyngitis and chronic inflammation of the lungs;
- In acute heart failure, accompanied by edema and increased pressure;
- In violation of potassium metabolism due to chronic renal failure.
• Grapes accelerate the destruction of dental caries in the tissues, so the grapes before starting treatment teeth must be fully cured. To protect your teeth after each meal of grapes should be well rinsed mouth with plenty of baking soda.

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