Shrub or
tree height from 2 to 8 m .
nigra belongs to the family Caprifoliaceae. It is found in the undergrowth of deciduous
forests in the south-west and south of the European part of Russia , the Caucasus and southern Siberia . Thermophilic species, tolerates dry air, shade-tolerant.
Growing very fast, but requires fresh and fertile soils, distributed elderberry
bush in old parks, in gardens, in the countryside near dwellings.
The tree
trunk and older branches ash- gray color with a cracked crust and the core
branches of white. The leaves are opposite, paripinnate, long-pointed, serrated,
with 5-7 ovate leaves. The flowers are yellowish-white, small, fragrant,
collected in large flat -flowered corymbose panicles (inflorescences). Black
elderberry blossoms in June.
The leaves
contain resins having a laxative action. In the fresh leaves found
ascorbic acid and carotene in the bark of branches - essential oil. Elder
flowers and flower buds contain the essential oil, valeric acid, tannin, fruit
- ascorbic acid and carotene.
small, shiny red drupes with purple juicy flesh, sweet-sour, gathered in large
clusters. Peduncle and painted red. Berries ripen in August. The fruits
are hanging after the falling of the leaves.
Dried elder predominantly in the sun for 2-3 days.
The berries
of black elder consumed fresh. They are trained marmalade, jam, wine, jelly. Berries
contain a dye, so the juice can be used to color the fruit and berry juices and
Therapeutic use of
* In
medicine used young leaves, flowers, fruits and bark of elderberry as an
astringent, diaphoretic and diuretic agents, as well as mouthwash and poultices.
* In
rheumatoid arthritis, gout and arthritis drink a decoction of elder flowers.
* In
chronic constipation cooked in honey and taken as a laxative young spring
* In
rheumatism and neuralgia use fresh berries.
* Is prepared from the dried berries and jelly is used as a
* For constipation take the infusion of fruit. 10 g of dried fruits soaked in
200 g of
boiled and cooled water for drinking 150-200 g once daily.
Sambucus nigra, unlike elderberry
red fruits of which are considered
toxic, do not contain any harmful substances.
Red elderberry is different from the black
elderberry greenish white flowers which smell, and red fruits.
red can not be used in any form.
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