Monday, October 21, 2013


On the beneficial and healing properties of fruits

Fruits and berries are important in human nutrition. They contain from 5 to 10 % of sugars and a range of organic acids. Especially valuable are the berries and fruits as a source of vitamins, which play an important role in human life, increasing the vitality of the body, his physical and mental performance and resistance to various diseases.

As a source of vitamins, they have advantages and vegetable before, because usually eaten fresh. To meet the daily requirements of vitamins enough of 60-200 g of berries or fruit, depending on the type and grade of culture.

Fruits and berries are rich in salts of iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, and trace elements, which are part of organic compounds and easily absorbed by the human body. Calcium salts are involved in the construction of the bone system and phosphorus salts - the nerve tissue. Iron is included in the hemoglobin. Furthermore, they are valuable not only as a foodstuff but also promote uptake of other nutrients, in particular proteins and mineral salts.

Fruit and berries are getting a good jam, compotes, jellies, marmalades. From them prepare juices, wines, cordials and liqueurs. They are good raw materials for confectionery and fruit processing industry.

Frozen berries retain color, flavor, taste, and vitamins. A quick freezing allows stretching the term consumption of fresh berries for the entire year.

The great wealth of fruits and berries are fraught forests: cranberries, blackberries, strawberries, cranberry, currant, cloudberry, raspberry...

How to use the gifts of nature to improve the health of children and adults, and cure many diseases and are covered in this section.

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