Tuesday, October 22, 2013


How to choose a watermelon
Delicacies from watermelon
Watermelon carving
Watermelon cosmetics
How to grow a watermelon in the middle lane

Watermelon - annual herb with creeping stems branching length of 2-3 meters, the species of the genus Watermelon (Citrullus) Cucurbitaceae family (Cucurbitaceae).

The fruit of watermelon is the large globular false berry with a smooth surface and a pink or red juicy sweet flesh.
Some varieties have white flesh and yellow-white in color.

The birthplace of watermelon is South and Central Africa. Watermelon is cultivated in many parts of the earth with a dry and hot climate.

Currently, watermelons are grown in 96 countries around the world in more than 1,200 varieties.

In watermelon pulp contains from 5.5 to 13% sugars (glucose, fructose and sucrose bit).
At the time of ripening predominate glucose and fructose, sucrose accumulates during storage watermelon.
Fructose accounts for about half of all sugar and sweetness defines watermelon. Fruit weight 3-4 kg contains 150 g of pure fructose.

Watermelon - a source of pectin, fiber, vitamins B1, B2, C, PP, folic acid and pro-vitamin A, as well as salts of manganese, nickel, iron, magnesium and potassium.
In the pulp contains:
pectin - 0,68 %, protein - 0.7 %, calcium - 14 mg / %, magnesium - 224 mg/%, sodium - 16 mg/%, potassium - 64 mg/%, phosphorus - 7 mg/%, iron in the form of organic - 1 mg/%, vitamins - thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, carotene - 0.1-0.7 mg/%, ascorbic acid - 0,7-20 mg/% alkaline substances.

In 100 grams of edible portion of the fruit contains 38 calories.

Watermelon seeds contain up to 25 % fatty oils, for physical and chemical properties similar to almond, rich in vitamin D.

Watermelons are eaten fresh. Watermelons are eaten fresh. The flesh of watermelon well satisfies quencher. Fruits are small watermelons used for pickling and canning. Evaporating the watermelon juice, cook thick watermelon "honey" (nardek), which contain up to 90 % sugar. (Resulting in a similar manner from the juice of the grape vine "honey" called bekmes or doshab, also called bekmesom of cooked juices of various fruits, berries and vegetables), Of watermelons prepare tasty jam and candied fruit. The seeds produced edible oils. Watermelon is good for people of any age. Its medicinal properties are widely used in medicine.

A few tips on how to choose a ripe "striped berry":
1. It is advisable not to buy watermelons until mid- August. Even the natural ripening varieties ripen until the end of July;
2. Ripe watermelon makes a hollow sound when pat his hand;
3. Ripe watermelon crunches even small squeezing;
4. Never buy cracked watermelon;
5. Too much of a watermelon hills - overfed, too small - usually immature. Choose only the medium-sized watermelons;
6. A large white patch on the side of watermelon - a sign of immaturity. Choose a watermelon with a small white spot;
7. A ripe watermelon is easily scratched with a fingernail;
8. Never buy watermelons near highways! Torn watermelon "breathes", it easily absorbs toxins from the air.
9. Once cured, the tail - not an indicator of ripeness;
10. In the section of the fiber must be white. Fiber yellow is a sign of excess nitrates;
11. IMPORTANT TEST. Cutting the watermelon home, dip a piece of flesh in a glass of cold water. If the water turned pink - tinted with watermelon in the truest sense of the word (introduced a dye). This watermelon is dangerous;
12. Nitrates in watermelon evenly distributed. Most of them have a thin skin and at the stem. For children it is best to give the pulp out of the middle;
13. Watermelon with a sour smell can be seriously poisoned;
14. Nowadays, you can make jam out of watermelon peels, if this watermelon purchased on or after August 20 (even better - in September). With the modern technology fast growing watermelons used many harmful substances that concentrate just under the skin;
15. Ripe red watermelon is not only on the cut, but certainly sweet. Unripe watermelon red syringe make injection of urea solution (sometimes, and just urine seller), but due to the sweetness of this does not appear;
16. Cut watermelon should be eaten within 2-3 hours. So buy a watermelon size. Cut watermelon desirable to keep even in the refrigerator for more than 3 hours - the pulp of the watermelon a good breeding ground for germs. Therefore, sliced ​​watermelon can be strongly poisoned. It is a matter of chance, despite what the microbes fall when cut at the watermelon.

Therapeutic use of watermelon
Watermelon has a strong diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and tonic properties. Normalizes metabolism and increases intestinal peristalsis.

In folk medicine watermelon diuretic for edema associated with kidney disease and cardiovascular systems, as well as in diseases of the liver and biliary disease. Watermelon does not irritate the kidneys and urinary tract.

The content of alkaline compounds regulates the acid -base balance, so that the watermelon is used in the acidosis of different origin. The content in watermelon flesh easily digestible sugars and water makes use of watermelon in chronic and acute liver diseases.

Watermelon is also used for obesity and the need for fasting, as indicated in the course of treatment. Cellulose pulp watermelon improves digestion, promotes the excretion of cholesterol, as contained in watermelon folic acid and vitamin C have anti-sclerotic action. Pectin and a small amount of fiber in the pulp of watermelon contribute to “optimize” the gut and do not cause flatulence.

In folk medicine, the watermelon juice was used to nutritionally -vitamin facial masks that prevent sagging, both dry and oily skin, improve its color, make soft and smooth.

* Watermelon improve digestion. Cellulose pulp of watermelon helps life of beneficial microorganisms in the gut. Watermelon is rich in alkaline substances that neutralize excess acids that come from basic foods: eggs, fish, meat and bread.

* Folic acid, which is found in watermelon is important for cardiovascular diseases. She is involved in the synthesis of amino acids and blood formation, regulates fat metabolism, has anti-sclerotic action, as contained watermelon pulp choline and vitamins C and P.
Folic acid is found in vegetables: cauliflower, green peas, spinach, but when it is destroyed by cooking.

* Watermelon is useful in the aftermath of a long and severe illness, as well as after surgery, especially if it is done under general anesthesia.

* Watermelon - excellent diuretic known for a long time. It should have a swelling associated with diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys and liver.

* When kidney stones, cystitis and nephritis can be eaten between 2 and 2.5 kg of watermelon a day.

* When nephrolithiasis alkalinity of the urine under the influence of substances contained in watermelon increases, salt transformed into a soluble state and output due to the diuretic effect. In this case, the watermelon should have equal portions, and can be at night.

* A decoction of fresh watermelon seeds and watermelon peels has a good diuretic. You can also use dried watermelon rind, if not fresh.

* In chronic cystitis, nephritis, kidney stones, bladder and ureter should prepare a diuretic.
Thinly cut the outer layer of green watermelon rind, finely sliced​​, dried first in a warm oven, and then finally dried at room temperature. Use 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before meals with honey diluted in water: 50 g of warm boiled water 0.5 teaspoons of honey. Store the dried watermelon rind in a paper bag.

* To quench their thirst, and the lower the temperature in febrile states in folk medicine patients given pulp and juice of watermelon.
Use and watermelon "milk", which is made from crushed watermelon seeds. Their ground in cold water in a ratio of 1:10, and drink every 2 hours to 1 teaspoon (you can add sugar or fruit syrup).

* A decoction of dried and fresh crusts (1:10) Take 0.5 cup 3-4 times a day as a diuretic.

* At colitis prepare a broth of watermelon peels and take 0.5 cup 4-5 times a day. 100 g of dried crusts poured 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist to cool.

* Fiber watermelon, increasing intestinal motility and accelerates the removal of excess cholesterol, hence watermelon is useful in atherosclerosis and hypertension.

* Useful watermelon and anemia because in addition to folic acid it contains iron salts.

* When bleeding watermelon seeds, minced and mashed with milk, stop the bleeding.

* When angina and pulmonary tuberculosis is recommended to gargle with watermelon juice.

* In diseases of the liver and gall bladder out of the body watermelon liquid fuels and liver tissue easily digestible sugars.

* When gallstones watermelons used in clinical nutrition, and they are a good cholagogue hepatitis.

* Watermelon is useful for functional recovery of the liver after jaundice.

* In diabetes are recommended small doses of watermelon. This is due to the fact that many mature watermelon fructose, which is readily absorbed and, unlike sucrose, does not cause load on the machine pancreatic islet. But diabetics should be very careful with watermelons.

* Watermelon Seeds like pumpkin seeds have anthelmintic activity. Their use for the treatment of intestinal parasites and to prevent worms. Fresh watermelon seeds are pounded with a heavy object to crush them, and do not grind to a powder. To 1 liter of water take 100 grams of seeds, boil for 45 minutes on low heat, then strain and drink three times a day for 200-250 g
It is recommended to use dried watermelon seeds, minced, and milk in a proportion of 1:10, and during the day to drink 2 cups of mixture between meals.

* In skin diseases, for the treatment of non-healing wounds festering use watermelon lotion: to inflict a wound paste of red watermelon flesh.

* Prescription of Chinese medicine for burns (even large, up to the third-degree burns) facilitate the patient's condition with the fermented juice of watermelon.
First burns cool washed with saline or water, and then once a day make lotions juice, which is prepared as follows: pulp and juice ripe watermelon placed in a clean glass jar, sealed and left at room temperature for 3-4 months, and then the juice is filtered. After a while he gets a sour smell. Lotion is applied to the burned area.
By this means, burns first and second power generally heal in 8-9 days, and third degree burns - after 18-21 days.

* Regular consumption of watermelon in food provides a healthy sleep, peace of mind, and men - increase potency.

* Headache, migraine helps tied to the forehead and temples thick watermelon rind.

Therapeutic watermelon powder
Perhaps the most common disease of the musculoskeletal system in the world it's low back pain.
Means and methods of treatment, respectively, too much, but traditional medicine is not far behind.
Introducing the people's well - proven recipe for the treatment of osteoarthritis:
This is watermelon powder.
Cook it very simply: Remove the rind from the watermelon green, dried in an oven and then in a coffee grinder to grind these crusts.
The norm for reception of watermelon powder is the first week of 1/2 teaspoon 2 times a day, the second week - 1 teaspoon 2 times a day, the third week - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day before eating, drinking warm water.
But be careful: watermelon (including its crust) has a strong diuretic effect, moreover, he is driving well out of the body salt. So take a remedy for osteoporosis with extreme caution and be sure to simultaneously take potassium rich foods, such as dried apricots, prunes, raisins, buckwheat, in order to prevent the loss of potassium in the body.
If some time to drink this water melon powder in the morning on an empty stomach, then cleared his fine bile ducts, shattering the gallstones, cholecystitis prevention will be held. In this case, the admission rate of 1 teaspoon with a glass of warm water. Then do not eat or drink for 15-20 minutes.

Watermelon honey
• Watermelon - 8 kg
• Sugar - 1 tbsp. liter.
• Lemon juice - 1 tsp.

It is prepared from ripe sweet watermelon.
Choose a pulp through a sieve, strain through two layers of cheesecloth, pressing well to near dryness.
The resulting juice is brought to a boil while stirring constantly and taking off reddish foam. The juice is then filtered and again, stirring to not burnt, boiled over a slow fire.
"Med" is ready when the volume is reduced by 5-6 times. In this case, the juice becomes thick, slightly stretchy.
At the very end of cooking, add sugar and pour the lemon juice.
Honey pour into jars, cool and enjoy.
Of this amount is obtained 1 small pot treats, but the work is worth it.

• Watermelon "honey" is not recommended for use in patients with diabetes mellitus and obesity, as it has a lot of sugars - up to 90%. Diabetics should eat watermelon to eat very little, and in small doses, it is even useful.
• Contraindicated watermelon large amount flatulence, since it contributes to the formation of gases in the colon.

Bekmes or pekmez (Turkish pekmez) - thick juice (syrup), fruit, berries and vegetables. Grape is also known as nardek or doshab.
The main methods of preparation:
- Heating of the fire (usually in a water bath in the industry - a tinned copper boilers or special installations bekmesovarochnyh);
- Evaporation in the sun (gives a fragrant and useful bekmesy, but is only possible in the climatic conditions of Central Asia, and similar to them, where the air is hot and dry).
Prepared without added sugar - that distinguishes bekmesy on cue. Squeezed from overripe fruit juice, bring to a boil, boil, boil, without giving, then settled and filtered, after evaporation of a part of the volume (depending on the feedstock - 50 to 80%) is similar to the consistency of honey. Contains sugar, organic acids and vitamins, it is used in confectionery and wine as well as nutritional and therapeutic products.
In the wine industry is usually made of boiling wort is used to increase the sugar content of ordinary fortified wines (it is clarified after cooking). In the confectionery industry - semi-finished products for the preparation of other types of sweets - jams, sherbets, Irchan, figs, in addition to Turkish Delight and other products.

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